Earthing rods, Locking devices
6411 Single-part earthing rod
6412 Two-part earthing rod
6413 Two-part earthing rod with locking
6414 Four-part telescopic earthing rod
6415 Two-piece voltage tester
6422 Protective tube for earthing rod
6431.1 Locking device for earthing rod
6432.1 Earthing rod lock with contact and 1 key-bolt
6432.2 Earthing rod lock wothout contact with 1 key-bolt
6432.3 Earthing rod lock with contact and 2 key-bolts
6432.4 Earthing rod lock without contact with 2 key-bolts
6433 Key-Bolt for earthing rod locks
6435 Key holder box mechanical, multiplication type
6436 Key holder box mechanical, multiplication type
6437 Cross arm for fastening earthing rod lock on mast
6438 Cross arm for fastening earthing rod lock on mast, offset
6441 Suspension arrangement for section-free earthing
6442 Suspension set for earthing rod