System sheets
Foundation, Mast, Mast connection
Support points, Cross arms
U-Bolts, Brackets, Clamps
Terminations, Flexible rope droppers Overhead Conductor rail
Insulators, Suspension clamps, Steady arms
Insulators, Insulator pins, Fastening clips
Brackets, Cross arms, Rotable messenge.........
Brackets, Stand-off brackets, Cross arms....
Automatic dead ends, Steady arm tubes, Adjustable...
Clevis end fitting for ø 22 mm tube
Eye end fitting ø 15 mm for ø 22 mm tube
Eye end fitting ø 18 mm for ø 22 mm tube
Clevis end fitting for 1" G tube
Clamp for steady arm on tube
Hinged clamp for steady arm porter tube connection
Suspended double hinge for steady arm
Wedge insert for steady arm
Bolt set for insulator lugs
Steady arm tube with clevis end fitting
Steady arm tube with ø 15 mm eye end fitting
Steady arm tube with ø 18 mm eye end fitting
Steady arm porter tube ø34 with clevis end fitting
Steady arm porter tube ø48 with clevis end fitting
Reducing sleeve for gas tube
Steady arm tube with hook articulation
Adjustable steady arm end section with groove swivel
Adjustable deep steady arm end section with groove swivel
Adjustable deep curved steady arm end section with groove swivel
Adjustable deep curved steady arm end section with groove swivel, short
Curved steady arm, groove swivel
Deep steady arm, groove swivel
Deep curved steady arm, groove swivel
Steady arm for FL 200 T, groove swivel
Curved registration arm with ring, stiffened
Curved registration arm with ring, stiffened
Contact wire clip, 5/8" thread
Twin contact wire swivel clip on 5/8" thread
Contact wire swivel clip, groove type
Extension piece for suspension
Stay wire ø6 mm
Stay spiral for bimetal ø 6 mm
Hinge clamp for steady arm on cross span wire
Twin hinge clamp for steady arm on cross span wire
Delta cable, stainless steel
Delta cable, kevlar
Flat laying steady arm, groove type
Steady arm, synthetic, adjustable, groove type
Steady arm, synthetic, fixed, groove type
Steady arm, synthetic, for Liracos, groove type
Tube cap
Weight for steady arm porter tube
Straight line hangers
Earthing, Signs, Lighting
Switch installations
5527 Steady arm tube with hook articulation
Steady arm 5531 onw
Drawing number
Ordering information Length 800 mm
5527.08 Steady arm tube with hook articulation