2189 Insulated suspension for cross span, long, 3 kV

Insulation Synthetic material
Fittings Fe stainless

on cross span ø 4,5 - 9 mm / 35 - 50 mm2

Associated parts
Hinged rope clamp 5351
Contact wire swivel clip 5557
Steady arm tube
with eye end fitting 5523
Delta cable 5565 o/w
Feeder suspension damp 5353

valid for all types
F1Rd (kN) = 1
F2Rd (kN) = 4

Drawing number
353.00352 - .00352-6, 451.00360

Ordering information
with pulley for Kevlar rope ø 10 mm
2189.2.2 Insulated suspension for cross span, long, 3 kV
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